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Proper Pest Control for Bees and Stinging Insects

Stinging Insect Control of Charlotte and the Carolinas | Nelon-Cole Pest Control

Finally getting some warmer weather in the Carolinas means that typical families will want to get outside, enjoy their lawn, grill some burgers, and enjoy themselves. But nothing can put a damper on such good times like getting attacked by stinging insects. Usually it's not just bees, but also aggressive fire ants that love to crash the party. Having some knowledge of the more common stinging insects found across the Carolinas, and how to control them, will ensure that you are able to enjoy your outside activities all season.

Stinging Insect Control of Charlotte and the Carolinas | Nelon-Cole Pest Control
Stinging insects aren't always in plain sight, and hidden infestations can be dangerous


Though Yellowjackets and Paper Wasps are likely the most notorious of the stinging insects of the Carolinas, there are quite a few other pests that can also ruin your day. Some of these include

  • Yellowjackets: These aggressive insects are often found nesting in the ground, but they can also build nests in structures like walls, attics, or eaves.

  • Honeybees: While honeybees are generally not aggressive unless provoked, they can still sting. They are important pollinators but can become a nuisance if they build hives in unwanted places. When faced with an infestation of Honeybees, it is best to call your Nelon-Cole professional as these may require special consideration and handling due to their importance in the local ecosystem.

  • Paper Wasps: These insects build paper-like nests typically under eaves, in attics, or in trees. They can be aggressive if their nest is disturbed.

  • Bald-faced Hornets: Though called hornets, they are actually a type of wasp. They build large, enclosed nests often found hanging from trees, bushes, or buildings.

  • Fire Ants: While not flying insects, fire ants are notorious for their painful stings. They build large colonies in the ground and can swarm and sting aggressively if their nest is disturbed.

Though most of these can be controlled by conventional pest control means in small populations, it is best to let your Nelon-Cole technician deal with these pests as infestations may not be easily seen and, if approached improperly, can lead to painful and dangerous results.

Stinging Insect Control of Charlotte and the Carolinas | Nelon-Cole Pest Control
Fire Ants are a common nuisance to Carolina homeowners


Fire Ants are their own special kind of serious stinging insect, as they are typically more difficult to spot until their colony is already of considerable size. Getting caught in a fire ant infestation even for a few seconds can lead to serious bites. There are several species of fire ants, but the most notorious one in the United States is the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta). These ants are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings. They build large underground nests, often with multiple openings, and defend their territory vigorously.

Some of the risks of avoiding Fire Ant infestations in your lawn include

  • Immediate Pain and Itching: Fire ant stings typically cause immediate pain, often described as a burning sensation, along with itching and redness at the site of the sting. Multiple stings can intensify these symptoms.

  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to fire ant venom. An allergic reaction can range from mild symptoms, such as hives and swelling, to severe reactions like difficulty breathing, dizziness, or anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention.

  • Secondary Infections: Scratching the sting sites can lead to breaks in the skin, increasing the risk of secondary bacterial infections. These infections may require medical treatment with antibiotics.

  • Delayed Hypersensitivity: In some cases, individuals may experience delayed hypersensitivity reactions, with symptoms appearing hours or days after the initial sting. These reactions can include severe itching, swelling, and redness at the sting site.

  • Risk to Pets and Wildlife: Fire ants can also pose a danger to pets and wildlife. Pets may accidentally disturb fire ant mounds and get stung, resulting in pain and potential allergic reactions. Additionally, fire ants can prey on small animals and disrupt local ecosystems.

Nelon-Cole offers comprehensive lawn treatments that are both effective at eradication and safe for your family and pets. It is best to call Nelon-Cole at the start of the spring season to schedule and annual treatment.

Stinging Insect Control of Charlotte and the Carolinas | Nelon-Cole Pest Control
Honeybees are vitally important to local ecosystems


Honeybees, while they are indeed a 'stinging insect' deserve special mention in this article, as they should be dealt with differently than other stinging insects found by Carolina homeowners. Vitally important to the local ecosystem, and considered by many to be close to 'endangered', Honeybees should not be eradicated by conventional over-the-counter pest control measures, but should be approached by trained professionals in an effort to safely relocate hives to safer areas.

Honeybees are one of the most effective pollinators, transferring pollen from one flower to another as they collect nectar and pollen for their hive. This process is essential for the reproduction of many flowering plants, including numerous crops that humans rely on for food. Without honeybees and other pollinators, the production of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds would decline significantly. The pollination services provided by honeybees have far-reaching benefits beyond agriculture. They contribute to the reproduction of plants that provide habitat and food for other wildlife, including insects, birds, and mammals. Healthy ecosystems rely on pollination to maintain the balance of species and ecological processes.

Honeybees also have significant economic value due to their role in crop pollination. In addition to producing honey and beeswax, which have various commercial uses, honeybees contribute billions of dollars to global agricultural economies each year by increasing crop yields and quality through pollination. Honeybee pollination is crucial for global food security. Many staple crops, such as apples, almonds, berries, and melons, depend on insect pollination for optimal fruit set and yield. Without adequate pollination, food production could decline, leading to food shortages and increased prices.


While treating the occasional nest with over-the-counter pest sprays may seem effective, it may not give you the full story on possible other dangerous infestations you cannot see. Your Nelon-Cole technician is highly trained on exactly this type of infestation, and can deal with eradication and removal that is safe and effective, leaving your family and pest able to enjoy being outside without worry. Call and see why countless homeowners across the Carolinas have trusted Nelon-Cole with their pest control needs! Charlotte Pest Control - Gastonia Pest Control - Asheville Pest Control - Spartanburg Pest Control - Hendersonville Pest Control - Lincolnton Pest Control

Stinging Insect Control of Charlotte and the Carolinas | Nelon-Cole Pest Control


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