We all want better, healthier air to breathe in our homes and workplaces, but many of us simply don't think about the air we breathe on a day-to-day basis until we start to show health problems related to air quality. Nelon-Cole can provide proven, effective, and affordable air quality control solutions with the CIMR line of air purification products.
WHAT IS CIMR CIMR is an acronym for Continuous Infection Microbial Reduction - it is an ozone-free process that uses minute amounts of hydrogen peroxide gas to disinfect viruses, bacteria, molds and other fungi by producing 0.02 parts-per-million of hydrogen peroxide gas from oxygen and water vapor in the air. Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It acts as a multi-purpose natural cleaner and disinfectant and bleaching agent. The release of oxygen creates a reaction that causes foaming, and this helps to break down viruses, bacteria, mold and bad odors. Hydrogen peroxide is used as an ingredient in eco-cleaning products as a natural and effective alternative to chlorine bleach.
CIMR is a significant leap forward in the fight against airborne and surface pathogens now and for the future. It achieves this by continuously purifying the air at a significantly faster rate than alternative systems. CIMR accomplishes this without compromising your health.
Active Pathogen Scavenging
Proven Effectiveness
Rigorous scientific analysis, extensive testing, and real-world applications have confirmed CIMR’s harmlessness to people, pets, plants, and a range of materials, including medical equipment, silk, papers, film, microfiche, electronics, and metals.
No Harmful Chemicals or Ozone
Compliant with Safety Standards
Your home is one of the most overlooked areas for air quality control, and Nelon-Cole is your local specialist at installing CIMR systems. CIMR continuously neutralizes mold, viruses, germs, and bacteria, a significant advancement in countering both airborne and surface pathogens. Without needing to increase ventilation, saving company costs.
As of this date, thousands of people, from newborns to people in their 90s’, have had no known transference of Covid within CIMR protected facilities. CIMR Technology will guard occupants of indoor spaces and protect them by seeking out and destroying mold, viruses, germs and bacteria both in the air and on surfaces.
When CIMR Technology is in use, respiratory infections due to poor IAQ have gone down as much as 70% in some cases. A Nelon-Cole installed CIMR system not only kills microbial threats but also continuously cleans your HVAC system. From evaporator coils, duct work and vents, CIMR eliminates common molds which will decrease maintenance time and allows for HVAC system optimal running performance.

Virus Protection - CIMR Technology actively seeks and destroys viruses, germs, bacteria, mold, and other harmful microbials. These pathogens are primarily transmitted through indoor air and on surfaces that we touch.
Active Scavenging Systems - Current filtration systems, such as HEPA and UV Lights, are passive technologies that require air and pathogens to be pulled through filters to be effective. These passive systems fail to destroy smaller particles, and they don’t decontaminate any surfaces. CIMR Technology will actively seek out and destroy harmful microbials, and pathogens both on surfaces and in the air.
Odor Control - CIMR Technology attacks and kills odor-causing bacteria, mold, and fungi. If you have bad odors in whatever space you occupy, this is the product for you. This technology also helps with pest control. It destroys the scent trail of insects, such as ants, so that they leave and don’t return.
HVAC Savings - Through our process, your HVAC system is actively cleaned and will stay that way, including the evaporator coil, ductwork, and vents. In return, you will save on costly filter replacement and HVAC cleaning.
Flood and Mold Recovery - Flood water infiltration very often causes mold, bacteria, odor and other health risks in homes and businesses. CIMR Technology results in less time out of the property and savings of 35 to 75% over traditional repairs.
Live a Healthier Life - CIMR Technology is 100% human, pet and plant safe. Our technology has been deemed safe for continuous use by OSHA. CIMR will improve your quality of life by dramatically reducing the number of allergens in the indoor air. Giving you peace of mind that your immune compromised family members are safe.

CIMR IN COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS APPLICATIONS The Nelon-Cole team of air quality specialists believes that every facility deserves a healthy environment. They will utilize specialized tools, and many years of experience to analyze your facilities and engineer a solution to automatically, continuously, effectively, and safely protect building occupants 24/7/365. Our CIMR systems not only kill microbial threats but also continuously clean your HVAC system. From evaporator coils, duct work and vents, CIMR eliminates common molds which will decrease maintenance time and allows for HVAC system optimal running performance.
CIMR Technology is currently in use in small businesses, restaurants, theaters and multi-story buildings, protecting and safeguarding families, employees and customers.
Your Nelon-Cole professional CIMR specialist is only a phone call away! If you believe (as we do) that better air in your home is of the utmost importance, then you owe it to yourself and your family to find out more. You can expect helpful, honest recommendations from our team, without any heavy-handed sales tactics; we want to the best for your family, and our name is the most trusted in the Carolinas for air quality control. Call today and put your home on the fast track to better air! Charlotte Mold and Moisture Control - Gastonia Mold and Moisture Control- Asheville Mold and Moisture Control - Spartanburg Mold and Moisture Control - Hendersonville Mold and Moisture Control - Lincolnton Mold and Moisture Control
